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Save Energy

27% of carbon emissions in the UK come from energy supplies.  Using less energy will help the environment and save you money.

If you're looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time, switching to a ‘dark green supplier’ could be a great way to start. Some companies use their customers’ bills to finance building new sources of renewable energy, others set up contracts with small generators (such as farmers with a field of solar panels) who may otherwise struggle to get a good price for their power.


Amongst the Sustainable Overton team, we have switched our energy suppliers to companies like Octopus, Bulb or Ecotricity, but there are plenty of others to choose from.


Why not take a look and see if you can help us go green in our village? 


There's some helpful advice here:


Try This:

  • Unplug computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using them

  • Change to energy-efficient light bulbs

  • Switch to a green energy supplier: ideally one that provides 100% renewable electricity and gas. is a good starting point

  • Wash clothes in cold or warm water (not on a hot cycle)

  • Hang-dry your clothes when you can

  • Lower your thermostat by 1 degree


The Local Energy Energy Advice Partnership (LEAP) is a free service that could help you reduce your bills and save energy if you are in a vulnerable or at-risk category.

Have a look at their website here.


Good Energy is another great service which offers 100% renewable electricity and carbon natural gas.

You can find them here.


Simple Energy Advice

great website which offers simple advice on energy.


Centre for Sustainable Energy

Lots of really useful resources can be found here.



Heat Pumps... Why did Martin install a heat pump in his house?

We popped over to Martin's house to ask him all about how he heats his home.

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