Recycling at St. Mary's Church
For all those hard to recycle plastics, we have recycling facilities at St Mary’s, Overton round to the left of the Church entrance.
We take our collected items to join other local Terracycle collections, and these are only for items which there are defined national and transparent recycling schemes in place, raising money for charity - full details of these are below. We are also be able to collect mobile phones, inkjet cartridges, postage stamps, corks, bras, and milk bottle tops.
Thanks B&Q in Basingstoke for gifting us a recycling shed, for which we are very grateful
We're totally volunteer-run, so please be careful what you deposit with us.
While we are delighted to collect your items which can be recycled, we haven’t got the resources to sort and process other items. If too many of the wrong items are deposited for recycling (‘wishcycling’), we may be forced to close the scheme all together.
Remember that other soft plastics can be taken to the soft plastic recycling bin at the Co-op (and other supermarkets). Tetrapaks are collected at Tesco Extra in Andover, but please don't make a special journey.
Hard plastics not listed should be put in your black bin for incinerations. There is a limited market for these plastics, such as yogurt pots and margarine tubs, in the UK and it is not cost effective for our council to collect and recycle them currently, due to the facilities available in Hampshire.
Please do keep an eye on the St Mary’s Overton - Plastic For Charity Recycling Facebook group and the recycling guide, as Terracycle schemes do sometimes close down and therefore what we be able to collect is likely to change from time to time.
Whilst we want to say thank you for your recycling efforts, we are aware that our ultimate responsibility is to try and help people move towards reducing their plastics rather than recycling. With this in mind, we will continue to provide information and encouragement for people seeking plastic-free alternatives via the Plastic Free Overton Facebook and Instagram pages or you can speak to volunteers at the Saturday markets or get in touch by email at plasticfreeoverton@gmail.com.
We are so lucky we have facilities in the village to buy local and with reduced packaging.
· Turners for meat
· Wilsons for fruit and veg
· The Bakery for bread & cakes
· The fish man on a Thursday