Plastic Free Letters

Company template
Dear [insert company name],
The UK is 2nd only to the US in producing the most waste per person. As a customer of your products, I recently bought [insert product/s] and have observed that you use an unnecessary amount of plastic packaging. I believe that it is vital for everybody to reduce their plastic waste and consumption to prevent harm to wildlife and damage to our oceans.
Britain releases an estimated 1.7 million tonnes of plastic into the oceans each year; we all have a responsibility to reduce this.
As the world begins to realise the seriousness of the climate crisis, more and more people are becoming increasingly concerned about the amount of plastic used; a company’s eco credentials are more influential in what we choose to buy.
Unless real progress is made in reducing the plastic packaging used, I believe this will have a very real impact to your future business success, as more people move away from companies using unnecessary plastic packaging.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear of changes that your company is making to tackle this issue.
[insert name]
Here's some templates we've made for you to copy and paste.

Supermarket template
Dear [insert supermarket name],
The UK is 2nd only to the US in producing the most waste per person. As a customer, I came in on [insert date] and have observed that you use an unnecessary amount of plastic packaging on [insert example products]. I believe that it is vital for everybody to reduce their plastic waste and consumption to prevent harm to wildlife and damage to our oceans.
I realise that you cannot directly change a suppling brand’s choice of packaging, but you can pressure them to do so and always stock plastic reduced (or better, free) products so the customer can make a choice - which I firmly believe they will. Furthermore, you can ensure that your own-brand products are plastic free, which will really make a huge difference.
Despite the charge implemented in 2015, plastic bags are still a major source of pollution and can be especially dangerous to wildlife. The charge reduced the number plastic bags sold, but a sure way of eliminating them is to not manufacture them in the first place. Making the switch to non-plastic bags would be an excellent way to reduce your contribution to the estimated 1.7 million tonnes of plastic that Britain releases into the oceans each year.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear of changes that your company is making to tackle this issue.
[insert name]

Hospitality Business template
Dear [insert place’s name],
I visited your [insert name of restaurant, café, hotel, visitor attraction, etc] recently and observed the large number of single-use plastics that you use, for example [insert example/s]. The UK is 2nd only to the US in producing the most waste per person, we all have a responsibility to change this shocking statistic, so I’m asking you to make changes to your operations to reduce your impact.
As the world begins to realise the seriousness of the climate crisis, more and more people are becoming increasingly concerned about the amount of plastic used; a company’s eco credentials are more influential in what we choose to buy or where we choose to go.
Unless real progress is made in reducing the single use plastic used, I believe this will have a very real impact to your future business success, as more people move away from businesses using unnecessary plastic.
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear of changes that your company is making to tackle this issue.
[insert name]

MP template
Dear [insert name of MP]
The UK is 2nd only to the US in producing the most waste per person. This is a both shocking and appalling statistic that must be changed. As my local MP, I am asking you to ensure that this issue is given the attention it requires in government and that you continually campaign to put in place legislation to reduce the amount of single use plastic waste that this country produces.
Here are some examples of wasteful and unnecessary single use plastic I see used or littered daily, [insert examples]
As the world begins to realise the seriousness of the climate crisis, countless other members of the public and I believe the Government should prioritise the issue of plastic waste and pollution. We need to see immediate actions to tackle this issue, that deliver tangible results.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing the action you take to tackle this issue and that you continuously raise it in parliament.
[insert name]
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