Sustainable OvertonJan 25, 2021My Journey towards Plastic FreeBy Chris, Sustainable Overton volunteer in the Business team Back in 2017, like most of the country, I watched the David Attenborough...
Sustainable OvertonJun 16, 2020Our Plastic (not-so) Fantastic WeekIn preparation for Plastic Free July, Noelle tried to work out how much plastic her family uses. 'In May this year we took part in the...
Sustainable OvertonMay 30, 2020The Temperature is RisingBy Sue Stedham As we welcome in the warm weather and enjoy the stunning views around Overton, our food has a shorter shelf-life. Here are...
Sustainable OvertonApr 3, 2020Shop Local during the LockdownAs a village we're so proud of our vibrant array of high street shops and restaurants, they're the backbone of our economy, they are our...