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Become A SO Volunteer

Fancy saving the world a little bit? 


Come along and join our happy band of environmentally-aware villagers. It can be as little or as much as you like - you choose. You can join a one-off project team, one of the main groups, or just help out at a one-off event. We can match a role to your skills and time available. 


Here are some opportunities we currently have:


Energy Champions:                                                                   

Energy Champions help people save money, switch suppliers, or claim the help they are entitled too. Contact the parish clerk to find out more: 01256 771919 or email at


Community Energy solar project                                   

We are looking for fundraisers to help raise money for our Cooperative (or similar type of community organisation) this spring. Also we’d love to hear from anyone with experience in renewables, finance, legal experience, contracts.


Thermal Imaging Camera

Are you a surveyor or have relevant experience of insulating houses? Could you act as a consultant to help us give people the right information and access to resources? If so, we’d love to hear from you.


Social media and comms                                              

Do you love social media? Good with words or artistic? Making short videos? Funky little graphics? Could you help us with some design? Or have some good ideas for posts? Or to coordinate our social media better? We’d love to hear from anyone who is up for writing a blog for the website, press releases, taking photos, making videos or graphics. When the world comes out of hibernation we’ll also be looking for people to help out at events like our Green Fair, manning stalls and putting up posters.


Repair café

This will be a sociable job – good for anyone who’s up for making tea, getting forms filled out, or good at fixing or mending things (like electrical items, bikes, woodwork, or sewing). 


Nappy Library                                                                           

Are you passionate about reducing waste?  Want to help run the new Overton Nappy Library? Yes, it really is a thing! Switching from disposables to real nappies makes an enormous difference.  We have a grant to purchase a range of nappies in different sizes and brands for people to look at and try, to see what might work for them. It will involve (when we can) attending babies and toddler groups, running stalls, and helping parents trial real nappies to find a brand that they are happy with.  A parent or grandparent who would be already attending would be ideal. We can train you.


Transport team                                                                        

We would love to meet more people interested in initiatives that would make our local transport network more sustainable. If you’re into cycling, walking, electric cars, busses or trains, come and join our small team. 


Environment team                                                                    

Love the outdoors? We would love to meet more people who might be interested in initiatives such as tree planting, rewilding, community gardens, composting, and encouraging wildlife to thrive in our beautiful village.


Business and Communities team:

Do you have any relevant experience to help local businesses be greener? We are trialling a “green audit” at the moment, and want to engage with all businesses, and build base studies to show the benefits, and learn from each experience as we go.


Do you run a local group or society? Please get in touch! It might be that we could come and talk to your group, help you recruit more members, or work with you on projects that you’d like to work on with a sustainable focus. For instance, if you are a photography club or art club, can we use any photos or pictures/designs on our social media or website? We are open to suggestions.


To explore any of these opportunities further just fill in our contact us form, you can also contact the parish clerk: 01256 771919 or email at

We would love to hear from you.

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